Get a 200% boost in track shares on your Spotify discography and future releases with the aid of the new Canvas Tool recently launched by Spotify. The tool is available for all artists regardless of region or genre. Take advantage of this secret Canvas tool while it is still effective, and most artists don’t know about it.

Great artists don’t just make good music; they create an unforgettable experience that will get the press and their fans talking for a very long period of time. Following the wise words of Maya Angelou, a three times Grammy winner, People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will not forget how you made them feel.

When it comes to audio consumption, the visuals matter too. Artists like Billie Eilish and Poppy have used Canvas to help fans understand the original concept behind their music. In addition, canvas makes sharing artists’ projects more appealing to fans, hence enhancing your word-of-mouth marketing plan. Listeners can share these creative canvas backgrounds besides primarily sharing your music to their Instagram stories by clicking on the three dots (…) icon on the top right corner of their screen while listening to your tracks.

The Biggest Winner

Currently, Spotify claimed that Artists who used the Canvas Beta saw a 200% increase in track shares plus an undetailed increase in streams, artist profile visits, and track saves. Like every new tool, the Canvas tool will prove highly effective until every artist adopts the same tactic. While artists can make different canvases for their songs, the immense increase Canvas users enjoy will likely decline when Spotify becomes oversaturated with Canvases.

However, in this tussle for more plays, the biggest winner remains Spotify. They will get more people to subscribe to their platform and stay on the app without spending a dime on visuals or a visual-creation tool.

Making a professional visual per track can cost from $300 – $10,000 on freelancing platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. Most indie artists will have to settle for an album/song art cover as uploading no visual is better than using a bad one. Those who would gain immensely from this tool are the big labels and artists with big budgets.

Spotify aims to keep people on its platform for as long as possible. With the aid of looping visuals, the Spotify app will become a universe of its own.

The Ultimate Reward of Using the Canva Tool

While it is true that Spotify will get the biggest share when the Canva idea pays off, it is a win-win situation for both parties (artists and Spotify). Do not forget that the Spotify algorithm is designed to reward tracks that keep Spotify users on its platform. Inevitably, the algorithm will smile upon artists who can keep users glued to the Spotify platform and bring in more subscribers. A boost from the algorithm will ultimately translate into more playlisting, streams, saves, and followers.

While the number of people who interacted with the shared Canvas video will not be recorded, artists will get Canva metrics when a user uses the Canva link.

Apart from increasing followers’ engagement on the platform, you can also announce a new project, concert, or new video to listeners directly when they are listening to your track. 

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